miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018


Hello, do you have dreams after finishing your first university career?
I have many dreams, I do not know if I want to do a postgraduate course but if I know that I want to study English, to study this language I would like to go to the USA for several months. I want to study this language because it is essential to interact with foreigners, because I do not handle it well and because it is the universal language and for that I want to leave Chile. Also to go in search of new roads and cultures. I would like to study in an academy in person, so I have to go live in the North American continent.
My second dream in life is to go to the general area south of Chile (which is very beautiful), to collect points and apply for a specialty scholarship to be an orthodontist.
My third dream in life also consists of going to live in the USA to study dentistry, because there are the best dentists and the best universities in the world.
Ohh I've also always wanted to study commercial engineering, because I love business. This career would give me the tools to manage and become independent with a dental business.
There are so many dreams that I have, that I still do not have absolute clarity of my life! These are some plans about work but I also have family plans.

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