miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

Adoption, education, violencie on tv and recycling

Adoption is a gesture of great love because not only give a home, but also love and protection to a child. I think that if all families adopted a helpless child there would be less suffering in the world. Personally, I would love to adopt in the future, because here in Chile children suffer a lot in SENAME. Guilt of this has the government who neglects this organization. I would like Chile to be a little simpler and accept the homosexual couple as a good family, if in the end what matters is the love they can give and not their condition.
Education is the fundamental pillar for a cultured and constructive society, in Chile education is not good, it has many flaws and little is done to improve it. The families with more money can opt for a better education, which I consider totally unfair, that is why I support free and quality education.
The human being is the culprit of what the world is destroyed, we do not take care of it or value it. Plastic surrounds it and destroys everything it touches. The main ones that are affected are the animals who are invaded by unnecessary dirt and that we could avoid. That's why let's take care of the world together.
Television violence seems to me to be a bad example for children and society in general. It incites hatred and bad habits. The television should teach and be constructive, not to criticize and question the life of celebrities, much less invade their privacy. Television has to change its focus and only then will the violence diminish since TV is a reference for new generations.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018


Hello, do you have dreams after finishing your first university career?
I have many dreams, I do not know if I want to do a postgraduate course but if I know that I want to study English, to study this language I would like to go to the USA for several months. I want to study this language because it is essential to interact with foreigners, because I do not handle it well and because it is the universal language and for that I want to leave Chile. Also to go in search of new roads and cultures. I would like to study in an academy in person, so I have to go live in the North American continent.
My second dream in life is to go to the general area south of Chile (which is very beautiful), to collect points and apply for a specialty scholarship to be an orthodontist.
My third dream in life also consists of going to live in the USA to study dentistry, because there are the best dentists and the best universities in the world.
Ohh I've also always wanted to study commercial engineering, because I love business. This career would give me the tools to manage and become independent with a dental business.
There are so many dreams that I have, that I still do not have absolute clarity of my life! These are some plans about work but I also have family plans.

My Future Job

Hello, today I will talk about the work that I would like to have, as I imagine it, etc.
I would like to have a job that is not so demanding, that gives me free time to share with my family and friends, as much as possible to be my own boss.
I imagine myself in something administrative but related to the area I am studying, dentistry. My work will not be outdoors, but I hope to have the freedom to go out when I deem convenient, obvious without taking advantage of it!
I would like to travel a lot in my work, to learn new knowledge and to grow as a person. I would also like my job to give me the economic stability to be able to go on vacation with the people I love. Not everything in this life is work, or not? .
I would like to have a good salary because I will have to study a lot, it would be a good reward for so much sacrifice.
About the specialty, I do not have that clear but I would like to be an orthodontist because it is a specialty that allows you to see great changes in people. His smile changes and gives him confidence and freedom to laugh at patients. It changes your life!
Well I hope that what I dream will come true one day to be happy and to make my parents happy.

Resultado de imagen para ortodoncia